P.O. Box 65645
Lubbock, TX 79424
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Please note - We no longer use the webtv or msn email addresses. All email correspondence should be to theocacna@yahoo.com. Thank you
Before you continue please read this statement. This is not up for discussion.
We are the one and only "American Orthodox Catholic Church" short name for "The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America"® that was canonically chartered by the Russian Synod in North America and headed by Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh. This Church continues today. We are the original 1928 Church & Corporation!
THEOCACNA, a canonically established Orthodox Church, seeks Canonical Orthodox clergy interested in helping this church grow.
We seek orthodox members and clergy. We require strict obedience to the canons. We are happy to consider applications from Active Orthodox clergy, seminary students and lay members who seek valid orthodox sacraments in North America.
All the independent groups who claim to be us by using one of our names, claiming to be us but under another name and who claim to be us based on their lines that trace back to Ignatius Nichols are in no way associated with us, are not us and have no apostolic succession from us. We deny they are even Orthodox! Since we exist and continue they cannot be us. When they or the ethnic schismatic jurisdictions attack us and Abp. Ofiesh of blessed memory they prove their unchristian nature by their actions!
We will no longer sit by and allow everyone to make these bogus claims that they are us. The original 1928 Corporation of THEOCACNA will fight for the truth. Archbishop Victor won, as co-plaintiff, the lawsuit in Garland County, AR for Defamation and Invasion of privacy (2004).
We are the one and only Church that was canonically established by the Russian Synod in North America (Moscow Patriarchate) and headed by Abp. Aftimios Ofiesh of blessed memory.
We use the approved Orthodox Liturgy for the Western Rite as published by the Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America. Our Eastern rite clergy used the approved Eastern Liturgies. We follow Holy Scriptures, the Pedalion which is also known as the Sacred and Divine Canons and Traditions of Orthodoxy.
Today while some orthodox claim the canons are only a guide we still view them in the same historical manner as they were viewed in Orthodoxy 100 years ago - as Sacred and Divine.
Holy Scripture and Holy Tradition
Holy Scripture is comprised of the writings of both the New and the Old Testaments. The New Testament reveals the human and divine nature of Jesus Christ, and His sacred teachings that we are charged to follow. The Old Testament is a history of the Hebrew people. It contains, among other sacred writings, the prophecies and the writings of the Prophets that foretold the coming of the Messiah. It therefore serves as an introduction to the revelation and the saving message of the New Testament.
Holy Tradition, of which Holy Scripture is a part, includes the writings, teachings, acts of the Apostles, saints, martyrs, and fathers of the Church, and her liturgical and sacramental traditions throughout the ages, the oral tradition of the early Church and the decisions of the Ecumenical Councils. All of this collective wisdom and experience through the centuries are combined to form this second great source of sacred authority.
The Creed contains the Church's basic summary of doctrinal truths to which we adhere as Orthodox Christians. It consists of the twelve articles of the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed which is recited at each Divine Liturgy.
The link above proves we are who we say we are, the original Canonically Chartered Orthodox Church headed by Abp. Ofiesh from 1927 until his death in 1966.
We are the First Canonically Established Orthodox Church that was established in and for the New World or North America. We are the only canonical Orthodox Church in North America in our canonical and rightful jurisdiction. Since the Schism in American Orthodoxy occured in 1929 many have continued to pray with the deposed thus deposing themselves according to c. 11 of the 85c. All their acts today continue outside the true Church. We were chartered Feb. 2, 1927 by the Russian Orthodox Synod of Bishops in North America. They appointed one of their own, the Syrian Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh to head the new American Church. We were incorporated on Feb 1, 1928 by Abp. Ofiesh. Our names are the legal property (service marks) of this Church under federal law.
We are the original "American Orthodox Catholic Church: that was canonically established Feb. 2, 1927 and incorporated Feb. 1, 1928 by Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh, Archbishop and corporate president.
By their refusal to recognize this Church and Synod these groups have caused a Schism to exist in American Orthodoxy. They show themselves to be unchristian by the false information they publish about us to make themselves look honorable.
We list the following from the 1932 newspaper article about the new synod of this Church.
According to the New York World newspaper, Oct. 1, 1932, regarding the Article published regarding our Holy Synod and Council of Bishops;
Under the ancient Canon Law, enacted by the Council of Calchedon in 453 A.D., this (Church) can be the only lawful Orthodox authority or jurisdiction in America.
All clergy of this jurisdiction must be orthodox and obey the canons.
The Special Link takes you to information about Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh, First Archbishop of this Church and Martyr and Confessor of America and to information on the 1929 Schism in American Orthodoxy by the ethnic Orthodox or SCOBA jursdictions.
We seek true Orthodox clergy to join our Church and help us grow. We only accept those who have a valid actve ministry. If you are just looking for titles this is not the place. We demand obedience to the Sacred and Divine canons.
We welcome inquiries from clergy assigned to one of the old world orthodox churches presently in schism with the American Church. If you seek valid sacramental authority we look forward to hearing from you.
If you are Orthodox, follow the teachings, canons and traditions of Orthodoxy and are seeking a new bishop and a canonically established Church home we look forward to hearing from you. Our clergy must sign a clergy declaration.
We also welcome inquiries from the Episcopal Clergy who are unhappy with the direction their Church has taken.
We welcome former members of the various Orthodox Churches, Rome, Episcopal Church USA as well as the Liturgical Lutheran Churches to our services. We hope those who have fallen away from their former Church will reconsider their position and return to a Church for their Spiritual well being. We also welcome individuals from other denominations and faiths who desire a closeness to Our Lord they may not get in their present or former Church, Temple or other place of worship.
We seek members and clergy from all walks of life. If you have no Church home please consider us.
We seek former orthodox seminary students and clergy as well as those from the Roman Catholic Church and ECUSA who for some reason did not seek or were denied Ordination.
If you feel we are not a canonically established Orthodox Church please feel free to contact us for some documentation. You may also want to read what the Patriarch says on the Bishops Corner link below.
As a canonically established Orthodox Church who is recognized by both the Roman Catholic Church and the Episcopal Church USA we are the closest Church to the old world ethnic Churches available today. We are not a uniate Church and are not under the Pope of Rome. We are under Patriarch Nikon of the American Orthodox Patriarchate. Most non-scoba orthodox today in this country make various claims about their status and recognition but appear to be part of the independent movement. Those who seek to be part of a sacramental Church outside the old world Churches need to look no further. America is our canonical jurisdiction! As the American Church we offer all in doubt, lost or those who have fallen away from their former Church a new home if they willingly submit to the Patriarch & Synod.
We also use "Catholic" as "Universal" since we are Orthodox from the old world Russian Church, Moscow Patriarchate.
We oppose war as an instrument of oppression and enslavement. We support our troops and we remember those who have given their lives in the Armed Forces.
The majority of the clergy and directors oppose
Therefore, beloved brothers in the Lord, let the order of the Church be observed perfectly among you, beginning and ending always with the commandment – new and divine – that we have received from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ - Love one another.
Everything else that we attempt – even with all our skill and might – will come to naught if love does not reign supreme among us all.
Victor Archbishop President, | ||
Mailing Address
PO Box 121 Sudan, TX 79371 USA 1-806-227-2214 |
The Holy Eastern Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church in North America® ||
Adddress: |
info@theocacna.org | |
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