Note: This letter was sent by U.S. Airmail to the Synod of the Ecumenical Patriarchate, Russian Synod of the Moscow Patriarchate and to the Syrian Antiochian Synod. Their failure and refusal to respond appears to us to be proof they have no defense to our statements which are documented.

This Schism was created by the Orthodox jurisdicions in North America. It has been allowed to continue by the SCOBA jurisdictions who have failed and refused to act to resolve the Schism for over 80 years.

American Orthodox Patriarchate

P.O. Box 121, Sudan, Texas, 79371 USA
Feb. 22, 2008

Greetings to the Orthodox Church leaders whose Churches and jurisdictions are mentioned in the following pages - taken from our website at

Your predecessors were the ones who refused to recognize this sister Church when it was canonically established and clergy from your SCOBA Churches in North America continue to act in an unchristian manner towards Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh of Blesed memory who reposed over 40 years ago and is to this day defamed and lied about by so called “Christian clergy”.

The actions of all involved have been unchristian and violated the canons and the North American Holy Synod finally declared said actions to be a Schism in American Orthodoxy. Since 1927 we declare we are the one true Orthodox Church in North America and that no other Schismatic Church or clergy has any Sacramental Authority to act within our canonical jurisdiction. Until the following occurs this decree and proclamation stands against the SCOBA/ethnic Orthodox jurisdictions.

1. A written Apology must be made to this Church and the family of Archbishop Ofiesh.
2. The SCOBA-ethnic Orthodox must recognize this sister Church as the true American Orthodox Church.

His Beatitude Nikon


Schism in American Orthodoxy