Synod published a decree on our old website that clarified numerous false claims about the so called excommunications of Abp. Aftimios Ofiesh and Bp. Ignatius Nichols. No such action was taken by any ethnic Orthodox Jursdiction against said Bishops of this Church and if attempted would have violated the Canons. The false claim that one of our bishops issued such a decree against other bishops of this Church was also false since that action would also violate the canons. One Bishop cannot act against another. A council or Synod is required to Act.
Synod held vote to change mainly to Western Rite and require all Eastern rite liturgies to be a complete and proper liturgy. No individual changes can be made by the priest to the liturgy.
Synod decreed certain former bishops of this Church had violated the Canons and acted contrary to Orthodoxy and thus removed any such titles they might claim from the archives and documents of this Church.
Jan 31, 1999
Synod Deposed and Anathematized 4 "bishops". Three had left the Church without Letters as required in the Canons. One mailed a letter of resignation. All 4 gathered together and established an "independent" seperate altar from this Church, continued to claim our name and falsely stated the Metropolitan was a former primate of their new church. The synod voted on this matter and the Metropolitan signed and approved the decree.
Dec. 28, 2001
Synod advised the Metropolitan to Depose a priest who failed to maintain contact with his bishop or the Church clergy, and then sought and was accepted by a (non-canonical) church without seeking or obtaining a letter [of release] as required by the canons.
Jan. 31, 2003
Synod [Majority] Deposed bishop of this Church who violated the Canons and Synod advised the Metropolitan to Depose said bishops sub-deacon.
Mar. 11, 2003
Synod [majority] advised Metropolitan of synod vote (decision) to Depose immediately a bishop who grossly violated the canons, acted contrary to the Churches requirements for a bishop and disobeyed the directions of the Metropolitan. He also accepted money for vestments then later failed to provide those vestments and demanded more money for said vestment set. He failed to refund the money and church property.
May 23, 2003
Church Attorney in Arkansas filed the defamation and Invasion of Privacy lawsuit. This action was done with the Synods approval.
JULY 5, 2003
After discussion and prayerful consideration the Synod voted yes on the matter of advancing our Church's status from a Metropolitanate to a Patriarchate. As a canonically established Orthodox Church and the first established to serve the American Orthodox population we felt it was necessary to advance the status of our Church. Since our charter clearly states we are an autocephalous and autonomous jurisdiction and we are therefore not required to answer to or seek the permission of any other Orthodox Synod or Patriarch this action by The North American Holy Synod was canonical, valid and within our Synods Authority and Jurisdiction. A Declaration was issued regarding our status.
April 2004
The Metropolitan, as approved by the North American Holy Synod, representing the Church and acting individually as a Co-Plaintiff appeared at the Defamation and Invasion of Privacy trial. The jury awarded the Church and Metropolitan damages as well as our Co-Plaintiffs Bp. James and the CEC. The jury also stated the Plaintiffs are not pubic figures. The judgment is posted elsewhere on the website. The defendant later had multiple warrants issued for his arrest and he fled the jurisdiction.
May 2007
The Synod issued a
June 2007
The Patriarch issued a Declaration on June 26, 2007 regarding the Schism in American Orthodoxy dating to the start of this Church.
July 2007
The Patriarch issued a statement about this Church and those ethnic clergy who defame us and who attempt to re-write Church history on July 17, 2007.
Aug. 2007
On August 6, 2007 the Patriarch and Synod issued a Decree against those who caused the Schism in the early years of this Church (1927-29) which continues today, as well as a Declaration of Findings and Proclamation about Archbishop Aftimios Ofiesh being a Martyr for the Faith.
Nov. 2008
On Nov.1, 2008 the Synod took a vote to correct and clarify 3 cannons from the Rudder. Some may claim we have no authority for this action. FFor use within our Church, The American Orthodox Patriarchate, we determined these changes were necessary.
1. The matter of c1 of the 85 or Apostolic canons which is contrary to the later canons that require a minimum of 3 bishops to ordain a bishop. We have changed this to read a min. of 3 bishops.
2. The matter of dating Pascha - Many Orthodox in the New World, North America, have adopted the Revised Julian Calendar which sets Pascha according to the traditional calculation which states, "The date of Pascha shall be set as the first Sunday after the first full moon following the Vernal Equinox and shall not precede or coincide with Passover." The fixed dates shall be rendered according to the current revisions which place them at the same time as our current Gregorian Calendar.
3. In the matter of married bishops - This canon has been said not to
have been adopted by all Orthodox churches was never adopted by the American
Orthodox Catholic Church - In the matter of Married bishops -
March 2016
Rev. Andrew (H.R,) Morgan due to poor health has been Medically Retired
and no longer may act in this churches name.
The directive of St Paul in his letter to Timothy, That the presiding elder must have an impeccable character, Should be the husband of one wife, be temperate, discreet and courteous, hospitable and a good teacher.
and The North American Holy Synod